ACTIVITY#5 Github Fundamentals

Step 1:

: First I will check the git version on my pc to make sure that I have installed it already.

Step 2:

: Second I will configure the git by adding my username from my github and using my email from my github as well. After that you need to create a folder.

: Create a folder and name it whatever you want in my case I named it ACTIVITY#5

: And insde that Activity#5 folder create a new text document and name it whatever you want again.

: Then click this to get the path, you can copy it and paste it on your cmd.

: Or you can simply type cmd on that path bar thing and then click enter.

: And you will be redirected into this path.

Step 3:

: To initialize a git repository you need to type "git init".

Step 4:

: And to add a file to into your repository you need to type this command "git add ." the "." means all, in sql the equivalent of add is "*".

Step 5:

: Now, we need to check the status. To do that just type "git status". and we can see here the new file that we just added to our repository this is the text file that we've created earlier.

Step 6:

: And in step 6 we need to save what we did, so to save it we need to commit it and in order for us to do that we need to type this command "git commit -m "Initial commit" "

Step 7:

: For the last step, if we want to check the history of our repository we can type "git log" here we can see the author, their username and email and the date and time.